
Franchise Fees and Agreements

What is a franchise fee?

A franchise fee is a fee charged by the municipality in exchange for the granting of the right to provide the utility service in the municipality and for the ability to place distribution facilities on municipally-owned lands. The municipality is responsible for establishing the level of the franchise fee through the franchise agreement with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). The AUC approve and finalize the franchise agreement and the franchise fee established.

Utility providers charge back the franchise fee costs to their customers: residents, businesses, agencies and others who use electricity and gas.

What are the Town's Franchise Fees?

Franchise fees are calculated based on distribution charges. 

  • The current franchise fee paid by Fortis Alberta to the Town of Okotoks is 20%.
  • The current franchise fee paid by ATCO Gas to the Town of Okotoks is 35%. For the average residential customer in Okotoks, who uses approximately 105 gigajoules of natural gas per year, the franchise fee is approximately $16.29 per month. This fee also includes linear taxes.
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