Recreation, parks and leisure programs, events, and amenities are valued and important municipal services. Residents that have access to quality opportunities are proven to be healthier, happier and more connected to their community. Recreation, parks and leisure activities spur economic activity, provide healthier choices to anti-social behaviours and are a source of community pride and spirit. It is for all of these reasons that the Town of Okotoks invests in these services and also why residents have come to expect the quality and quantity of current facilities and spaces as part of their everyday lives.
Okotoks is a dynamic Town and the needs and demands of the community are shifting. To proactively manage services and ensure community needs are being met, the Town of Okotoks is updating its Recreation, Parks and Leisure Master Plan. The Master Plan will guide the development, delivery, and continuous improvement of parks, sport, culture, and recreation programs, services, and facilities in Okotoks for the next 15 years. The Master Plan is an important tool for helping the municipality ensure maximum community benefit and optimized use of public resources.