

You can check out the Town's xeriscaping demonstration sites at the Okotoks Recreation Centre, Recycling Centre, Northridge Drive medians, Rotary Performing Arts Centre, and Seaman Stadium. Xeriscaping is a type of landscaping used to conserve water. These sites are non-irrigated demonstrations that incorporate various principles of xeriscaping to achieve beautiful, low maintenance landscapes.  Other xeriscaped sites include the heritage garden at the Okotoks Museum & Archives, the Healthy Okotoks Coalition community garden and Voluntree Grove at Kinsmen Park.

For information and suggestions on recommended plants, trees and shrubs for Xeriscaping in your yard, please see the following:

The xeriscaping information includes recommended landscaping practices that work well in our area.  The Town encourages you to consider these xeriscaping principles and plant material choices when landscaping your property. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Parks at 403-938-8958.

Removing Turf from your Boulevard

If you want to change the surface on your boulevard from turf, please follow this process:

  1. Submit your request to Parks by clicking on the button below. Please provide as much detail as possible such as:
  • location of desired change
  • extend of desired change and what you are proposing to change to
  • a sketch on the Real Property Report

Contact Parks

  1. Parks will review your request.  Please note that boulevards are typically in the road right-of-way and these areas are used for snow storage, utility access, sidewalk repair, etc. Should the changes be approved, there is a risk that activities related to utility work or maintenance could affect these areas. While every effort is made to restore the areas to existing conditions, neither the Town or the related utility are responsible to restore anything beyond loam and seed.
  2. The Town will then respond with an approval or a request for additional information. Once approved, a copy of the change will be put into the property file so that at time of eventual sale, the change in the surface is noted.
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