Helping Us to Understand the Wildlife in Okotoks!
Have you ever wondered what kind of wildlife live in our town, and how they use our open space? Well, we certainly have! In order to help us understand the diversity of wildlife we have in our town, and how they use our open space, the Town has installed a number of wildlife monitoring cameras and autonomous sound recording units. The cameras give us a good picture of the health of the biodiversity of species in Okotoks!
Only wildlife photos will be retained and shared.
Wildlife Monitoring Cameras
The equipment is positioned so it doesn’t capture images from two-footed creatures, the general public. The information gathered with these devices will help us plan our parks and open spaces for more than just the human users and help the Town achieve a number of the goals outlined in our Environmental Master Plan (see plan under Related Links at top of page).
The camera project is being done in partnership with the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI). The data we collect in Okotoks will also help contribute to the institute’s on-going biodiversity monitoring work. To learn more about ABMI click the button below:
And, remember, if you see an interesting plant or wild animal you can upload your images using the ABMI’s app, NatureLynx. For info, click the button below:
Wildlife caught on the cameras!