
Strategic Plan

The 2022-2025 Town of Okotoks Strategic Plan was approved by Council on September 26, 2022 and provides Council’s strategic priorities for Okotoks over the next four years.  

This plan was developed in consultation with residents, and reflects Council's commitment to deliver services that are in the best interest of Okotoks' citizens today and citizens of tomorrow. Administration uses this information to plan and prioritize initiatives in the Corporate Business Plan and to inform the proposed budget.

2022-2025 Town of Okotoks Strategic Plan

Council strategic plan priorities


Corporate Business Plan & Progress Reports

The Corporate Business Plan bridges the high-level results outlined in Council’s Strategic Plan, the Municipal Development Plan and the organization’s master plans and frameworks with the short- to medium-term strategic and improvement initiatives of the organization. While the long-range and strategic plans establish priorities for the Town, the Corporate Business Plan provides clarity and further detail on the project work taking place, outcomes we aim to achieve, and how progress is measured. It is a four-year plan, updated annually, that addresses priorities it can impact within the timeline and resources available to the organization.

Past Strategic Plans and Progress Reports

Each strategic plan determines the strategic direction for Okotoks for a 4-year Council term. Town Administration monitors progress towards meeting the strategic goals, key result areas and initiatives, and provides regular progress reports to Council throughout the year.

Reporting provides greater accountability, transparency and understanding of both the strategic goals, progress and accomplishments. Council and Administration’s regular review allows us to evaluate how we are performing towards our strategic goals and to make adjustments as necessary to realign for success.

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