
Rainwater Harvesting

Why Use Rain Barrels?

The Town of Okotoks has a limited water supply that it obtains annually from the Sheep River. Due to restrictions on water use, any effort to conserve water or use less water is very beneficial. As the demand for water continues to increase, now is the time to consider water-conscious alternatives like Rain Barrels.

Benefits of Using Rain Barrels:

  • In Okotoks you can receive rebates of up to $50 per barrel totaling up to $200 per household.
  • Easy to set up and use.
  • Helps reduce water consumption.
  • Lowers monthly utility bill.
  • Keeps gardens and trees happy and healthy.

Rain Barrel Design: Pros & Cons

There are several types of rain barrel designs.  Before purchasing a rain barrel, it is important to recognize the pros and cons of each design.

Installation of Rain Barrels

Required Items:

  • Rain barrel – pick one that suits the space you have available.
  • Down spout, flexible or straight (depends on where you want your barrel set up)
  • A Diversion Kit (if you choose to use one)
  • Platform/stand or steady surface (i.e. gravel)
  • Valve or spigot
  • Overflow Hose
  • Garden hose, or soaker hose

Please see below for a step-by-step breakdown of rain barrel installation.

What do I use all this water for?

Rain Barrels can be effectively used to water trees, annuals, perennials, garden varietals, and grass around your property.

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