
Litter-Free Community

We encourage Okotokians to pick up litter whenever you see it to help keep our community beautiful all year round; thank you for doing your part!

To assist you in doing so, we have a new program you can be part of called Litter-Free Community where free clean-up kits are provided and available at the Town’s Municipal, Recreation and Operations Centres for pick-up. The kits include gloves, garbage bags and an Okotoks Recreation two-for-one coupon.  

Please register your clean-up at the link below so that the Town can track its volunteers and can then pick up the garbage for proper disposal. 

Register Here

When your litter pick is complete, leave garbage bags by garbage receptacles or a minimum of one metre off the pathways and contact Parks to provide the location of pick-up for proper disposal. Call 403-938-8958 or use the form below:

Contact Us

Some things to remember to keep yourself safe while you clean-up the community:

  • Please wear closed-toe shoes, safety glasses, gloves, long sleeve shirts and pants
  • Stay three metres away from busy roads
  • Contact Parks for hazardous items such as needles, glass, heavy items, etc.
  • Be cautious around roadways; bright clothing is recommended; avoid picking up litter at dawn and dusk
  • Pick up litter in parks/playgrounds but ensure to use gloves and don’t pick up litter if it appears to be a bio-hazard (contact Parks). 

Prevent litter by:

  • Keeping waste, recycling and organics bins properly closed and contained
  • Keep a small garbage bag in your vehicle until you get home or can get to a waste container
  • New development? Keep building waste and materials contained
  • Residents and businesses  - do a daily litter pick up on your property as well as along roadways in front & back of property
  • Manicured parks
  • Natural and naturalized areas
  • Boulevards along roadways (DO NOT pick litter in roadway medians)
  • Contact Parks if you are unsure of areas that need cleaning up
Last Updated: