Growing together: Culture, Heritage and Arts Master Plan II (CHAMP)
(CHAMP II) for Okotoks focuses on connecting and engaging citizens of all ages and backgrounds to nurture grassroots cultural development. Culture, arts and heritage vibrancy connects people and enriches social tapestries. Just as the three sisters - squash, corn, and beans - support each other and optimize conditions for growth, so too do painters, historians, musicians, chefs, performers and all creators. Collective creativity makes communities grow. CHAMP II helps connect and empower the shared potential of all innovators with the goal of developing an accountable and authentic cultural identity.
In the following pages you will read about the process used to develop CHAMP II, understand the context for and value of culture to Okotoks, and be introduced to a dynamic framework for action - one that bridges short-term results with long-term change.
The document concludes with an extensive set of appendices that provide a detailed look into the framework review process, costing, engagement, feedback, cultural asset identification, and infrastructure possibilities for Okotoks.” -- Executive Summary, CHAMP II