
Emergency Preparedness Week

Emergency Preparedness Week (May 5-11, 2024) encourages Canadians to take concrete actions to be better prepared to protect themselves and their families during emergencies.

By taking a few simple steps, you can become better prepared to face a range of emergencies – anytime, anywhere. It is important to:

  • Know the risks – Although the consequences of disasters can be similar, knowing the risks specific to our community and our region can help you better prepare.
  • Make a plan – It will help you and your family know what to do
  • Get an emergency kit – During an emergency, we will all need some basic supplies. We may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in an emergency.

Visit for more resources to help you and your family prepare for all types of emergencies.

Emergency Preparedness Week Open House

Emergency Preparedness Week is May 5-11

This year’s EP Week theme: Be Prepared. Know Your Risks.  

EP Week is a reminder that preparedness isn’t just about being ready for the next big disaster. It’s about making preparedness a part of your regular routine so you are better able to navigate disruptions, big or small.

Over the last few years, many of us have been developing preparedness habits without realizing it. Creating community connections you can rely on, finding trusted sources of information about local threats, and maintaining a stock of supplies are examples of habits that we developed to increase our self-reliance during times of uncertainty.

Supporting Information

Here is some further information to keep you in the know!

Emergency Preparedness Links

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