The Town of Okotoks is excited to share that current directional signage is being removed and will be replaced with new signage as part of the first phase of the Wayfinding Signage program.
This phase includes pedestrian directional signage installation in the downtown core and vehicle directional signage along main roads. Removal is scheduled to take place the week of August 2 with installation occurring the week of August 8, weather permitting. Work is expected to be completed by the end of August. Please be aware of minor traffic disruptions and no parking areas while the work is underway.
The pedestrian directional signage installed along Elizabeth, McRae and Elma Streets will identify where downtown amenities (e.g. Art Gallery, Performing Arts Centre, Museum, Riverfront, etc.) are located. Vehicle directional signage installed along Northridge, Southridge and Milligan Drives as well as North Railway and 32nd Streets will indicate where other amenities in town (e.g. Recreation Centre, Seaman Stadium, Downtown, etc.) are located.
Creating an effective wayfinding system has been identified as a Town priority for several years. It is an important tool for inspiring and guiding people to discover areas of Okotoks away from the main routes and increase customer traffic. This has been identified as a key strategy to help local businesses recover as quickly as possible from the pandemic.
Following public participation in 2020-21, the design and fabrication processes were completed in 2022 to allow for installation of phase 1 this summer. Future phases of the program will continue to be built out over time. For more information and updates on this project visit