
Okotoks' Green Initiative: Diverting K-Cups from Landfills

k cups in a truck

The Town of Okotoks, in partnership with Eco-Growth Environmental Inc., is successfully redirecting a significant number of K-cups from landfills. 

On June 17, 2024, a significant milestone was achieved: 1,398 kilograms of K-cup coffee pods were collected, resulting in the diversion of an additional 12,764 kilograms of carbon equivalent (CO2e) from the landfill. Eco-Growth Environmental processes the collected K-cups by separating and converting the coffee grounds into thermal energy fuel sources, and shredding the plastic to be repurposed into plastic lumber right here in Alberta.

“That makes a huge difference, I’m so happy Okotoks took time to stop and think about where the cups are going,” shared Eco Growth vice president and director Glen Smith. “Organic waste in landfills is one of the main culprits for methane greenhouse gasses on the planet.“

In 2023, the program diverted four tonnes of K-cups from landfills. The Town's efforts to reduce waste and repurpose materials demonstrate a strong commitment to landfill waste reduction.

"It's incredibly rewarding to see exactly where our efforts are going,” expressed waste solutions manager Paul Lyons, “to see tangible results of our community's commitment to waste reduction." 

As the program expands, the Town encourages residents to join this eco-friendly initiative, helping Okotoks continue its commitment towards waste management and environmental conservation. 

Remember, not everything can be placed in your blue cart, but all recyclables deserve a second chance. Many items that are not collected at the curb can be recycled at the Okotoks Eco Centre, including full K-cup coffee pods. Look for designated bins at the Okotoks ECO Centre – you don’t even have to separate the grounds from the pods! For more information please visit the Okotoks Eco-Centre at 1118 North Railway Street or visit online at /EcoCentre.

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