
Okotoks enhances readiness for drought and water emergencies

At the March 25, 2024 Regular Council Meeting, Okotoks Town Council approved amendments to the Town’s Water Bylaw and updates to the Water Shortage Response Plan. These changes enhance Okotoks’ readiness for drought and water related emergencies. 

“We know that southern Alberta is facing drought conditions this year. The updates to our Water Shortage Response plan helps see that our water is used for its highest and best use,” says Okotoks Mayor Tanya Thorn. “As water conservation is a shared responsibility, the Town is looking at ways to advance water conservation while accelerating community education and preparation for the likelihood of a drought year.” 

The amendments to the Water Bylaw include a revised schedule with changed watering days, reduced hours for outdoor watering and conservation requirements for additional water uses such as businesses. These changes will help align the demand for water while reducing the pressure on our water system. 

The approved changes also introduce a fifth water conservation stage to the Town’s Water Bylaw and Shortage Response Plan. This new stage signifies the highest level of water conservation urgency, prioritizing water for essential use only. The primary trigger for adjustments to water conservation stages include water reservoir levels, reservoir stability, public health and safety risks, environmental impacts, license capacity, consideration of other watershed users, and professional judgment. Recognizing the shared responsibility for water conservation, the Town formalized its commitment to water conservation and the measures that have been put in place for both community and Town operations. 

These updates highlight the Town’s ongoing commitment to sustainable water stewardship, conservation, and emergency preparedness. Learn more about the Water Shortage Response Plan and changes to the Watering Schedule at

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